Ensure your pet's safety round the clock with the Captain India Silicon NFC QR Tag. This innovative pet tracker tag utilizes advanced NFC and QR technology for passive tracking and identification of missing pets. Lightweight, waterproof, and virtually unbreakable, the tag is designed to withstand the rigours of everyday pet life. Linked to the 24/7 Pet Safety Station, the Silicon NFC QR Tag provides essential 'Pet Missing and Wellbeing' support. When a finder taps the NFC or scans the QR code, alerts are sent to the Pet Safety Station, ensuring swift action in case your pet goes missing. Captain India offers a complete connected ecosystem for your pet's safety, including hardware, software, and services, all backed by the 24/7 Pet Safety Station. From 'Missing Pet Services' to pet safety news and wellbeing videos, our comprehensive solution ensures the wellbeing of your beloved pet. Invest in the Captain India Silicon Pet Tag Tracker NFC QR Tag and enjoy peace of mind knowing your pet is always protected.
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